Monday, June 14, 2010

This year I was trying so hard to think of a way to make Lindsey's 13Th b-day really special . I had remembered that she told me a while back that if she could go horse back ridding that would be the best birthday present ever, so I talked to one of my friends Elise and she said that she would help me with it. So on Friday June 11Th we got together and she got her wish, I think if was the most special present she ever got. She has loved horses ever since she could walk so this really made her day.
The day was really cold but Elise was so nice to still take her. This horse was Dan he was so funny, every time Elise would tightin his saddle he would put his ears down and try to bite who ever was by him "it must of hurt him." But he was the most loveing horse I ever met, after the ride was over he kept nugging us and giving loves to us, he was so cute.

This was Elise's horse I dont know his name, he was pretty to.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Fall time

A couple of weeks ago the boys and I got a chance to go up Payson Canyon before it snowed and got to enjoy the fall colors, it is so pretty up there.

I love this face Claysen is pulling it made me laugh so hard when he did it.

So pretty!!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

The dove hunt

This year on the dove hunt Heath got to take Eian, Claysen is still to little but he had to be in on it when dad brought home the birds they got their limit and Eian had a blast.
my boys.

I love this picture, he was so proud he got to go.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The rodeo

This year I really wanted to go to the rodeo it just is so much fun I couldn't miss it. This pic is a little blurry but it the best one I have, the bulls are my favorite part of the hole rodeo, this bull in particular looked like he was flying or had springs on he feet I was so surprised that cowboy stayed on so long.
these bulls were 2,000lbs a piece and the man had them doing some neat tricks they were huge and did some amazing things.

this was the winner of the mutton busting "I think that is how you say it" good job to him.

just some flag holders on horses.

And last but not least I put this pic on hear to remind myself never to take my 3 yr old to places like this again he was a little stinker the hole time at the rodeo. LOL. " you can see it all over his face."

Lindsey's b-day party

I guess that I am a little behind on things we had Lindsey's b-day party last month with her friends. Lindsey wanted to play a game where the girls blind folded themselves and then paint each others face this is the results they all looked really funny.

Jessica getting her face done.

Kylee painting her face.

Then Lindsey wanted a pinata so we did one, she is a little to old but whatever the birthday girl wants she gets.

Then we had pizza and cake and ice cream, I hope all the girls had fun.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Fourth of July

Claysen was so cute this year he was trying to be so tuff and get out there with his dad and light the fireworks but then when they would go off he would run to me for cover I had to laugh at him.
" Eian'salways excited."

Lindsey loves the sparklers.

the weather ruined the fire works this year so we were only able to do a few, "oh well we can just do them on the 24th of July."

Monday, June 15, 2009

The Hole in the rock

On Saturday we went to the hole in the rock and they had this fun little petting zoo the animals were so cute they would just come right up to you and eat right from your hand, these deer loved the kids they chased us around to the other side just so they could get loves from us.
We bought a bucket of feed so we could feed the animals.

This camel was so funny she used her lips very well.

they had all these cool things made out of just junk laying around.